Medical Telescribes — What Industry Trends Tell us

Medical telescribes are virtual aides that support a physician's workflow by augmenting many of their administrative tasks.

Medical Note Taking Solutions Cheat Sheet — Industry Jargon Explained

Many different medical note taking devices means a host of different tools and services to understand and keep track of. It can be a bit dizzying trying to remember what each medical note taking solution does, so we break down the most common ones that we refer to on a regular basis. This is the industry jargon cheat sheet.

Looking into the Future of AI Covid-19 Diagnosis Through Mobile Devices

The future of AI Covid-19 diagnosis: AI is able to identify minute differences between the forced coughs of people who are asymptomatic and healthy individuals.

Looking into the Future of AI Scribes: Disease Diagnosis Through Voice

Looking into the Future of AI Scribes: Disease Diagnosis Through Voice

Looking into the Future of AI Scribes: Combatting Healthcare Disparities

AI Scribes are more than an efficiency tool; they have the power to lessen healthcare disparities and improve care. Learn what the future of AI may look like.

Is Medical Transcription Worth It?

With so many medical documentation solutions available, it can be hard to figure out which ones are worth it. To figure out if medical transcription is worth it, healthcare professionals must consider affordability, reliability, security, and ability — how well does medical transcription address these needs, and does it actually reduce the clinical documentation load by an amount that is worth the investment? This week we address all these questions and help healthcare professionals decide if medical transcription is worth it.

Realize the full potential of Healthcare AI with DeepScribe

Explore how DeepScribe’s customizable ambient AI platform can help you save time, improve patient care, and maximize revenue.