Late-night charting sessions - 'pajama-time' - is a reality many clinicians know all too well. Like many doctors, Gury Doshi, MD, thought: 'There has to be a better way'. At Texas Oncology, this sparked an organization-wide evaluation of ambient AI that revealed a critical need: AI technology that could adapt to the diverse documentation requirements and workflow needs of t heir multidisciplinary cancer care team.

DeepScribe immediately stood out for its specialty-specificity and customization- not just to oncology broadly, but to the various sub-specialists that round out their care team. The result was rapid, wide-spread adoption - with fewer nights documenting in PJ's.


Gury Doshi, MD: I was sitting after hours at night charting and completing my notes for the day. Really just sitting in my pajamas tired at the end of a long day and frustrated. Then the next day, I called my buddy James and I said, James, please would you look into DeepScribe because this looks really cool and I think this could be something that we would look into that could really help us decrease our physician burden.

James Lindsey, Principal, IT Strategy and Innovation: We did do, other comparisons with other Ambient AI scribing technologies, and the process was essentially to trial them side by side. So DeepScribe and two other vendors actually, and put that in the hands of our physicians.

Doshi: DeepScribe was truly the one ambient solution. It was truly ambient in the background.

Lindsey: DeepScribe were one of the only vendors that were amenable to actually customizing the models to our use case and not only customizing the AI models, pardon me, to the oncology use case, but customizing the experience for our physicians so that the notes look and feel like the provider is used to or meets their requirements, and the provider can decide what portions of the note to pull forward or not.

Doshi: That customization is so important because at Texas Oncology, we're a multidisciplinary organization. So we have medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, each with their own unique needs.

Lindsey: Yep.

Doshi: And so that customization really was very popular with the physicians and providers. And so to us, the fact that we could technically do that was really important.


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